Erasmus University of Rotterdam 

IDEA (Inclusion, Diversity, Equity and Access) Center

As you probably know, we work closely together with the Erasmus University Rotterdam. The EUR is working hard to be as diverse and inclusive as possible and has its own IDAE Center to facilitate this. Back in our network days, they were our program manager and helped us whenever we had an LGBTQIA+ related issue. They even funded our path to becoming an association! You can read about them and their work on their website. You can contact them (or ask us to contact them) with any question or suggestion you have about EUR’s diversity and inclusion.

The Living Room

The Living Room is a place on campus, located on the ground floor of the Langeveld Building, that's accessible to all students, without exclusion, serving a diverse and inclusive audience, reflecting the EUR community as it is. In the Living Room you can relax, play board games, play pool and much more. This is the perfect place to meet other students. There is an information point for student wellbeing and personal development. Activities are also regularly organized to boost your wellbeing and personal development. Find more information on The Living Room on their website.

EUR Student Counselors and Student Advisors

If you run into problems during your study, it's always nice to know where to ask for help. Of course, Erasmus Pride will be there for you in every way that we can, but sometimes it's good to talk to an expert. The EUR has general student counsellors, but also a student counsellor who is specialized in Diversity: Mw. Su Qin Venema MSc. You can find all information on student counsellors on their website, but first a small introduction from Su Qin Venema.



Hi everyone! 

My name is SuQin Venema and I recently started as a Student Counsellor with a focus on Inclusion at the EUR. I can help you with questions regarding legal issues, finances, study progress and study choice. You can also come to me to talk about personal circumstances. My mission is to create more awareness about Diversity & Inclusion and think about how we can improve or solve issues regarding this theme at the university. Therefore, I look forward to working together with student associations like Erasmus Pride. If you have any questions, suggestions or other feedback don’t hesitate to contact me!

There is also a list of Student Advisors and the faculty they work for, Of those people, Erasmus Pride has been in contact with Mariëlle van Leeuwen, who has stated that her door is open to all members of Erasmus Pride.



My name is Marielle van Leeuwen and I am one of the confidential counsellors at Erasmus
University. I am pleased to have the opportunity to work together with Erasmus Pride.

My principle is that we treat each other with respect, regardless of origin, religious belief, disability or gender identity. Students or employees can turn to the confidential counsellor when they are confronted by behaviour or circumstances they experience as unwanted. As a confidential counselor I listen and give advice about potential steps that you could take but I will not determine what happens next. That is up to you. Questions or reports are always treated confidentially. Undesirable behaviour can cause stress and mental or physical problems and have an impact on your studies and personal life. It is important to get it off your mind and talk to someone. My door is always open.


If you prefer to discuss your case with another confidential counselor please check the overview for the EUR network of confidential counselors here.
All confidential counselors at EUR work in accordance with the guidelines of the National Association for Confidential Counselors.

EUR Undesirable behaviour document

If you want to know more about the university's policy on undesirable behaviour and how to make an official complaint, click here.

When faced with challenges in making study or career choices, Erasmus Pride is a supportive community where you can connect with others who understand your experiences. If you would like to speak with a professional, the Career Services team at Erasmus University Rotterdam is here to assist. Mervyn Nankoe (he/him), a specialist in Diversity & Inclusion in the labour market, offers tailored advice.


Hello everybody!
My name is Mervyn Nankoe, and I work as a career adviser at Career Services of EUR. As a proud member of the LGBTQIA+ community with a bicultural background, I am driven to empower individuals to make authentic choices through an inclusive lens.   I’m here to assist you with questions related to study and career decisions, practical guidance on navigating your academic or professional journey, authentic self-presentation, approaching the job market, and providing feedback on your CV or cover letter. If you simply need a listening ear, I’m here for that too.  Feel free to schedule an appointment with me or one of my colleagues.