At Erasmus Pride, we have zero tolerance for discrimination, intimidation, assault or any other undesirable behaviour. If you experience any of the above, we strongly urge you to file a complaint so appropriate action can be taken.
To file a complaint, you can fill in this online form
What is this form?
You can use this form to file a complaint about an undesirable incident that may have occurred at our association. This form is confidential and only the board has access to the responses. We will not share what you fill in here with anyone else unless you explicitly give us permission to do so. The current board of Erasmus Pride is responsible for handling complaints and taking action according to our internal rules and regulations (IRR).
Can I fill it in anonymously?
You can choose to fill it in anonymously. In this case, the board cannot contact you or take direct action, but the complaint will still help us identify undesirable trends in the association.
You can choose to share your name with us but keep the complaint anonymous. In this case, the board will contact you to discuss a solution, but may not be able to take direct action against perpetrators of undesirable behaviour. You can choose to make a complaint in your name. In this case the board is obliged to investigate the specific situation and take action against perpetrators of undesirable behaviour according to section 43 of our IRR.
I would rather talk about the situation instead of filling out this form
If you prefer to discuss your complaint instead of writing it down, you can contact the following people. You do not have to be an EUR student to do so. Any conversations you have with them will also be strictly confidential. They can also help you filling in this form if you would like to lodge a formal complaint.
Internal confidential person: Alex Xydia ( or via WhatsApp). He can be contacted in English.
External confidential counsellor: Marielle van Leeuwen ( She can be contacted in Dutch and English.
You can also reach out to another board member. If you are an EUR student, you can also contact any EUR confidential counsellor or Safe@EUR, which is a contact point that can inform you about who is best suited to help you.